Tuesday, October 23, 2007

San Diego is Burning

San Diego county, my home, is in major fire crisis. More than half million people have been evacuated from their homes and many other cities have been ordered mandatory or volunteer evacuation. This includes three cities around where I live.

I could not make it to work yesterday, 78 and 5 freeway were jammed, and there was a volunteer evacuation in easter city of Vista where I live at the moment. This morning before leaving to work, there was a layer of ashes on my truck and windshield which I cleaned. Big dark cloud overshadowed the entire county and air pollution was pretty bad making it hard to breath. Elders, families with infants, and people with asthma and breathing problems were suggested to leave San Diego County to Orange County Shelters particularly the ones in San Clemente.

Hundreds of homes have been burned to ashes, and so far has been more than 5 deaths. Fire is not really slowing down because of extreme Santa Ana winds and dry and hot conditions which appears is going to last a few more days.

The fire has broken out in more than 10 places in the entire county, making the firefighters exhausted to the point that their main goal is to saves lives and few buildings and homes here and there but they have no hope in putting out the fire without help of mother nature, or as I believe it God!

It's interesting that how despaired we humans are in response to natural disasters, despite all of technological advances! Are we simply incapable to come up with better technology to cope with such natural disasters or our leaders and politicians are simply too busy with their agendas? Don't get me wrong, they have responded well to these fires but isn't prevention a better solution?

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